Ahern indicates support to lower age of consent

The Taoiseach Bertie Ahern appeared to indicate support for the Oireachtas committee recommendation that the age of consent should…

The Taoiseach Bertie Ahern appeared to indicate support for the Oireachtas committee recommendation that the age of consent should be reduced to 16 years.

He also reiterated his desire for a constitutional referendum in the spring, despite speculation to the contrary.

Mr Ahern told the Dáil: "Just because I noted last week that people are entitled to express a view, that should not mean that I have changed from the discussion that took place at the committee. The Government must and will decide that."

The Catholic hierarchy had expressed its alarm at the Child Protection Committee's recommendation that the age of consent should be lowered. A constitutional referendum to deal with the fallout from the statutory rape controversy was expected to take place along with the referendum on the rights of the child.


Responding last week to church opposition, Mr Ahern stressed the recommendation was not a "foregone conclusion because we haven't discussed this yet". In the Dáil yesterday, Labour leader Pat Rabbitte asked Mr Ahern to clarify the issue, following newspaper reports the Taoiseach was "retreating from your earlier position".

He asked: "Am I correct in deducing there will not be a referendum after all on the protection of the child? You sent out your backbenchers to agree one thing at the committee" but "you are now minded to take a different view. I heard the Minister for Social and Family Affairs Séamus Brennan state that whatever is decided, it is unlikely to be decided on this side of the general election."

Mr Ahern said that "while the Government will deal with the second issue shortly, the position is still that if we can get agreement, we will proceed. Just because I noted last week that people are entitled to express a view, that should not mean that I have changed from the discussion that took place at the committee".

When Green Party leader Trevor Sargent said "I'm not sure we are any the wiser", Mr Ahern responded: "Hopefully we will have a referendum in the spring."

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran is Parliamentary Correspondent of The Irish Times