Ahern joins world advisory body

Former taoiseach Bertie Ahern has been appointed to an international advisory group on conflict resolution, it was announced …

Former taoiseach Bertie Ahern has been appointed to an international advisory group on conflict resolution, it was announced today.

Mr Ahern will be one of up to 30 members on the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution.

The council has 30 members, including former US president Jimmy Carter, George Mitchell and the former president of Finland, Marti Ahtisaari.

The council is one of a series of Global Agenda groups set up by the Forum to tackle a range of international issues, including climate change, terrorism, food security and migration.


It will hold its first meeting at the Global Agenda summit in Dubai in early November.

Mr Ahern said he was deeply honoured by the invitation.

“It is my belief that there is still much to learn from the shared experiences and the difficulties that this small island has addressed and resolved throughout the years,” he said.

“I look forward to making a contribution to this Global Agenda Council and I hope that some of my experiences will be of value in dealing with conflict situations and developments internationally.”

Mr Ahern will also continue to serve as a TD.

The World Economic Forum was founded in Geneva in 1971 and stages an annual meeting of top business and political leaders in Davos, Switzerland, every year.