Ahern jostled by anti-fees protestors in Galway

Former taoiseach Bertie Ahern had to abandon a public discussion in NUI Galway tonight when he was jostled by students protesting…

Former taoiseach Bertie Ahern had to abandon a public discussion in NUI Galway tonight when he was jostled by students protesting over the college fees issue.

Several dozen gardaí were involved in trying to break up the protest, which began at the entrance to the campus shortly before 8pm and continued outside a lecture theatre.

Mr Ahern, who was still on crutches due to his recent leg injury, was visibly shaken by the protests.

He was unable to leave the theatre for about 20 minutes until arrangements were made for his safe exit.

The protestors were supporters of the Free Education for Everyone (FREE) campaign against the re-introduction of college fees.