Ahern lauds Irish aid effort

IRELAND: The Asian earthquake and tsunami had reminded everyone of mankind's vulnerability, today, but its first anniversary…

IRELAND: The Asian earthquake and tsunami had reminded everyone of mankind's vulnerability, today, but its first anniversary was a reminder of mankind's resistance, Taoiseach Bertie Ahern has said.

In a statement marking the anniversary yesterday, Mr Ahern said he wanted to honour the memory of all who had perished and in particular the four Irish who died - Lucy Coyle, Éilís Finnegan, Connor Keightley and Michael Murphy.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with their families and friends," the Taoiseach said.

The events of December 26th last year provided "a spectacular reminder of huankind's vulnerability to the constantly evolving nature of this planet".


He said: "In the space of a few short hours more than 228,000 people lost their lives in a natural disaster that affected 13 different countries and left close to three million people struggling to comprehend the scale of their enormous personal grief and loss."

Ireland had contributed more than €100 million, he said, with €20 million allocated by the Government and a further €80 million in private voluntary contributions.

"This places Ireland as one of the most generous nations in the world - a fact of which we should be most proud."