Ahern meets mother of missing teen

Taoiseach Bertie Ahern has met with the mother of a teenager missing in the Costa del Sol since New Year's day.

Taoiseach Bertie Ahern has met with the mother of a teenager missing in the Costa del Sol since New Year's day.

Mr Ahern met Audrey Fitzpatrick whose 15-year-old daughter Amy has not been seen since January 1st, when she left a friend's house to walk to her home in Mijas on the Costa del Sol in the south of Spain. Amy's stepfather, Dave Mahon, was also at the meeting.

A Government statement said Mr Ahern reiterated the Government's offer to provide assistance to the family and emphasised the willingness of the Irish Embassy in Madrid to help. He said he would ask the embassy to convene a meeting between the family, Irish officials and the Spanish police to review progress in the case.

The search for Amy was scaled down in January after a two-day search involving some 230 police officers and volunteers.