Ahern solicitors force website to censor claims

THE TAOISEACH'S solicitors Frank Ward and Co last week successfully demanded that a website drop comments by a contributor concerning…

THE TAOISEACH'S solicitors Frank Ward and Co last week successfully demanded that a website drop comments by a contributor concerning the firm's representation of Bertie Ahern's former secretary, Gráinne Carruth.

Politics.ie accepted that the comments posted on Thursday night were "inaccurate, untrue and were malicious", "unreservedly" apologised, and closed down its section dealing with the Mahon tribunal "until further notice".

In a letter, Liam Guidera for the solicitors said the remarks were "entirely untrue and grossly defamatory", and he demanded to know the identity of six contributors.

The website's editor David Cochrane has refused: "Under no circumstances can I be in a position to disclose the identity of any user on this website, and I will not be doing so."


Mr Cochrane said that he had always attempted to "maintain the idea of free speech" by following a "very light moderation policy".

"Any time such comments are posted, they are always removed when pointed out to us, either by users of the site, or by solicitors acting on behalf of a client."

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy is Ireland and Britain Editor with The Irish Times