Ahern to open new hi-tech court

The new commercial court which has the State's first technologically equipped courtroom will be officially opened today by the…

The new commercial court which has the State's first technologically equipped courtroom will be officially opened today by the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern.

The event in the court in Bow Street, Dublin, will be hosted by the Chief Justice, Mr Justice Murray.

A spokesman for the Courts Service said: "The court operates a rigorous system of case management and the use of modern technologies to expedite the business of those from the commercial sector who seek redress before the courts."

The courtroom is equipped with advanced technology to assist in the presentation of evidence on screen.


It facilitates digital audio recording facilities and, where required, document and evidence presentation in the courtroom and video-conferencing. Documents can be lodged electronically to facilitate presentation.

Mr Justice Peter Kelly is designated as the judge having charge of the High Court Commercial List and he and a small number of other judges hear the cases.

The court deals with commercial cases where the amount at stake is greater than €1 million.

The court's rules are designed to reduce delay and move the cases speedily to trial, mediation or settlement.

The court is on the first floor of the building in Bow Street where the Barr tribunal also sits.

It is situated behind the Law Library Distillery Building on Church Street. Additional courtrooms will be designated for proceedings transferred to the commercial list as the need arises.