Ahern tops poll ratings

MR Bertie Ahern's personal satisfaction rating has reached a new high of 75 per cent, according to the latest opinion poll

MR Bertie Ahern's personal satisfaction rating has reached a new high of 75 per cent, according to the latest opinion poll. Support for Fianna Fail has increased by 17 percentage points, to 56 per cent, from 39 per cent poll in June's general election. The Irish Independent/IMS poll, conducted on December 18th, puts the state of the parties, excluding the undecideds, as follows: Fianna Fail 56 per cent; Fine Gael 22 per cent; Labour 12 per cent; Progressive Democrats 3 per cent; Green Party 2 per cent; Democratic Left 1 per cent; Sinn Fein 2 per cent; and others 2 per cent. The level of satisfaction with the other party leaders is: Mr John Bruton (FG) 51 per cent; Mr Ruairi Quinn (Labour) 55 per cent; Ms Mary Harney (PD) 58 per cent.