Ahern welcomes Ictu decision

Taoiseach Bertie Ahern has welcomed the decision of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions to enter talks on a new national partnership…

Taoiseach Bertie Ahern has welcomed the decision of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions to enter talks on a new national partnership agreement to follow Towards 2016.

"Congress and its constituent bodies have been strong supporters of social partnership over the years and I am very pleased to see that its delegates have decided to enter into negotiations on another pay round," Mr Ahern said.

"I believe that national agreements have served us extremely well over the past three decades. However, the benefits of social partnership go well beyond wage bargaining – influencing the shape of our economic and social progress at the national level.

"In the workplace, it has been a critical ingredient in enabling ordinary men and women to understand the changes which have been taking place all around them, and to have confidence that change need not be a threatening experience."

Mr Ahern urged the parties entering the talks, however, to be realistic in their expectations.


"All of the parties recognise that, while there can be no guarantee that the negotiations will result in a new deal, any outcome in respect of wage bargaining must be realistic, must be acceptable to all the parties and
must take account of the domestic and international economic situation.

"I firmly believe that the potential of the process to deliver on the objectives of each of the parties remains as strong as ever and I am confident that all of the parties will work hard towards an agreed outcome.”