Aid to Uganda unaffected by murder of priest

Irish aid to Uganda will not be affected by the recent murder of Irish priest Fr Declan O’Toole

Irish aid to Uganda will not be affected by the recent murder of Irish priest Fr Declan O’Toole. Uganda is one of Ireland's six priority countries for bilateral aid.

Ms Liz O'Donnell TD, who has special responsibility for overseas development assistance and human rights, said the murder had "cast a shadow" over the launch today of the Ireland Aid review. Ms O'Donnell said Fr O’Toole’s death "inspires us to continue our work for justice peace and development of the poorest of the poor."

The main recommendation of a review of the States’ aid programme, Ireland Aid, has proposed an increased response to the global HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Speaking at the launch of the report Ms O'Donnell, said an additional HIV/AIDS fund would be set up to build on the €34m already distributed annually.


"As a result of the epidemic, much of the gains made in the developing world are evaporating," she said.

The report also recommends that Ireland Aid enters into new partnerships with Non-Governmental organisations and missionaries. This would involve significantly increased funding and cooperation through a new Development Forum.

According to the report, Ireland’s spending on Overseas Development Assistance will grow from €456 million this year to €1 billion by 2007 to meet an international obligation, as laid down by the UN to all member-states, to devote 0.7 per cent of annual GNP towards overseas development co-operation.