Alleged IRA man linked to assault

Gardai in Cork city are investigating an assault on a youth by an alleged member of the Provisional IRA following an argument…

Gardai in Cork city are investigating an assault on a youth by an alleged member of the Provisional IRA following an argument in a bar. The man - is believed to be one of the IRA's most trusted operatives in Munster - allegedly assaulted the youth with a hurley, hitting him about the head. The youth sustained severe head injuries and was in Cork University Hospital for over a week. He has since been discharged.

The man, who has served a prison sentence for paramilitary offences, could be facing a lengthy jail term if convicted of assault causing grievous bodily harm. The alleged assault happened after a row in a pub in the Knocknaheeney area earlier this month, though the extent of the man's involvement in the pub row is unclear.

As he returned home with his wife and a female friend later that night, they were accosted by three youths and a fight broke out. The man - who is in his late 30s - went back to his house and returned with a hurley and challenged the three youths, beating one around the head.

According to Garda sources, the attack was completely out of character for the man as he was normally very disciplined and never got involved in fights.


"He's usually a very controlled character but he really seems to have lost the rag this time - perhaps it was the drink but he really gave the young fellow a terrible beating."

Gardai understand that some of the IRA's paramilitary associates have been looking for the youths. It is feared they may threaten the youths to get them to drop their complaint.