Alleged plot to kill Madagascar president

Authorities in Madagascar foiled an assassination attempt against President Marc Ravalomanana 10 days ago, Prime Minister Charles…

Authorities in Madagascar foiled an assassination attempt against President Marc Ravalomanana 10 days ago, Prime Minister Charles Rabemananjara has claimed.

Police have begun an investigation into the incident in which attackers broke into Mr Ravalomanana's residence.

"Thanks to the cooperation between the authorities and residents, they were apprehended," Mr Rabemananjara told reporters, without giving more details.

He said the motives were not clear, but suggested the incident may have been linked to this month's constitutional referendum, which analysts expect will give the Indian Ocean island president greater powers.


Early results show that three-quarters of the voters backed a package of changes including letting the president legislate directly in cases he deemed "urgent".

"The people should be allowed to express themselves freely," Mr Rabemananjara added.

It is not the first time the authorities have reported attacks targeting Mr Ravalomanana, who was re-elected in December's presidential poll.

In February, a court sentenced a renegade Malagasy general to seven years in jail for a botched attempt to overthrow the President.

In January 2006, police arrested three men on suspicion of planning a grenade attack on his dairy company.