Ambassador appeals for Bigley's body

IRAQ: Britain's ambassador to Iraq made a televised appeal to Iraqis yesterday for help in finding the body of Kenneth Bigley…

IRAQ: Britain's ambassador to Iraq made a televised appeal to Iraqis yesterday for help in finding the body of Kenneth Bigley, beheaded by his kidnappers this month.

Speaking in Arabic, Mr Edward Chaplin said the "agonising wait" for information about Mr Bigley's body was extending the ordeal of the 62-year-old engineer's family.

"It is the start of the holy (Muslim) month of Ramadan, a time for family, contemplation and thinking of others," he said.

"I appeal to anyone out there who can help. Please think of Ken's family. Nothing can justify his killing. It is a terrible crime against a decent man.


"His family do not deserve to suffer even more. At least allow them to take some comfort by finally allowing them to lay him to rest and say goodbye properly."