An adrenalin rush ...

Tunnel B1

Tunnel B1

PC CD-ROM minimum system requirements: Pentium 75mhz; 16MB RAM; nominal hard disk space; DOS 5.0 or Windows 95; Quad-speed CD-ROM drive; SVGA.


JUST to set the tone of what this Tunnel B1 is all about here's the storyline . . . in brief. Some dictator, who shall remain nameless, has taken it upon himself to develop a doomsday device. Not one to be seen carrying this around town he buries it deep in a complex labyrinth of tunnels beneath the thronging masses, and someone must stop him quickly.


As it happens you are volunteered to do this and you pilot the latest military hovercraft through these tunnels with the ultimate aim of bringing this dictator and his little contraption to its knees. What follows is some of the most exhilarating, non brain taxing, non stop action one is likely to see this side of a 4-3 Liverpool v Newcastle Premiership game.

Controlling the craft can prove a little tricky at first, but once you have mastered it you'll be like a child with a new toy as you swoop around corners at breakneck speeds. Once the playing around is over you can get down to the serious task of breaking down Mr Dictator's defences.

These can be as ordinary as simple barriers or as robust as attack helicopters. Along the way you are issued with mission objectives, some of which are compulsory. Some of these compulsory missions are in your own interest as they can involve locating weapon upgrades.

Some missions also have time limits and it is then that your piloting skills come to the fore. This provides the sort of adrenalin rush only an arcade style game like Tunnel B1 can provide.

Tunnel B1 is a port over from the Sony PlayStation and it has to be said it fares better than most in the translation. If you have a high spec Pentium and are looking for pulsating fun this could be right up your street.