The Taoiseach was called on yesterday to withdraw his statement that Irish troops might serve in Iraq, writes Kitty Holland
The demand came from Mr Roger Cole, of the Peace and Neutrality Alliance (PANA), at a briefing in Dublin in advance of this weekend's march against the "occupation of Iraq".
"Mr Ahern should withdraw his statement that Irish troops could serve under a UN mandate when we don't even know what a UN mandate is, when it would really be under the control of the United States."
The Irish Anti-War Movement, PANA and the NGO Peace Alliance are hoping "thousands" of people will join the march beginning at 2 p.m. on Parnell Square on Saturday.
The march will move on to Government Buildings where speakers will include Mr Proinsias De Rossa MEP, Ms Patricia McKenna MEP and peace activists Ms Mary Kelly and Ms Caoimhe Butterly, who has just returned from Iraq.