Applications for reduced bail refused

Two Cork men charged with burglary of a house had their applications for a reduction in bail terms refused by Judge Terence Finn…

Two Cork men charged with burglary of a house had their applications for a reduction in bail terms refused by Judge Terence Finn at a special sitting of Cork District Court yesterday.

At the weekend, Cork District Court was told that Ms Margaret Murphy (74) was found dead at the house later on the same day.

Gardai indicated that a file was being prepared for the DPP and that further charges might follow.

Mr John Arundel (24), of Bakers Road, Gurranabraher, and Mr Declan Meehan (22), of St Declan's Road, Gurranabraher, were both charged with stealing money and property from 66 Barrett's Buildings, Cork, on August 1st. They were charged with trespassing at the house and stealing a total of £320 in cash, house keys worth £4 and a black bag worth £10 - all the property of Mr Anthony Kelleher.


At the earlier sitting, Judge Finn remanded both men in custody with consent to bail. He set bail for each at their own bond of £1,000 and either one independent surety of £10,000, two independent sureties of £5,000 or a cash bail of £20,000.

Yesterday, Mr Arundel and Mr Meehan's solicitor, Mr Frank Buttimer, applied to have the bail terms reduced to just their own personal bond, saying the size of their independent sureties was tantamount to denying them bail. Judge Finn refused and remanded them in custody with consent to bail until August 25th.