Arafat not responsive, says Barak

The Israeli Prime Minister, Mr Ehud Barak, disappointed with lack of progress in the peace process, accused the Palestinian leader…

The Israeli Prime Minister, Mr Ehud Barak, disappointed with lack of progress in the peace process, accused the Palestinian leader, Mr Yasser Arafat, yesterday of not being a responsive partner to the talks.

"Until now we didn't find a responsive partner on the other side," Mr Barak told a press conference at the UN.

Mr Barak spoke a day after President Clinton failed to break the deadlocked Middle East peace process after meeting separately with the Israeli and Palestinian leaders.

The Israeli Prime Minister said that contacts with the Americans would continue and that it would become clear within 24 hours if there was any possibility of a breakthrough.


"President Clinton and Secretary [of State Madeleine] Albright are in intensive negotiations to advance the peace process. I cannot say that I see a breakthrough, but the contacts will go on for another 24 hours," he said.