Arafat's Fatah claims Israel suicide bombing

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing that injured two agents of Israel…

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing that injured two agents of Israel's Shin Beth security service in northern Israel today.

The man was identified as Morad Abu Assal (26) of the village of Anabta near Tulkarem in the northern West Bank. He blew himself up near a van where the two Israeli agents were sitting, Israeli army radio said.

Israeli radio said the Palestinian man appeared to have a been a collaborator with Israel who had been "turned" by the Palestinians and used against his one-time handlers.

The blast came as the two Shin Beth agents were waiting in their van under a bridge in the Arab Israeli village of Taibeh.


Initial reports said they had been seriously injured in the blast, but a statement issued by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's office said they were only slightly hurt.