Archbishop warns of Nation's emptiness

There are many signs of emptiness in Irish society despite its economic success, a senior clergyman warned today.

There are many signs of emptiness in Irish society despite its economic success, a senior clergyman warned today.

In his Christmas homily, Archbishop of Dublin Dr Diarmuid Martin said Ireland has experienced many successes in its society, culture and economy.

"But in today's Ireland there are also many signs of emptiness. Behind the outward face of self confidence in new Irish prosperity there are many signs of fragility, especially among the young; the outward clothes and culture of success all too often serve to hide signs of disillusionment and despair," he said.

"There are signs of an insatiable greed which, however, fails to fill the hunger for self-esteem and value; there is the violence of those who seek to profit from the suffering and addictions of others; there is the terrible violence we find on Dublin's streets, a disregard for the value of life which haunts me and fills me with a sense of horror.


"People know that Dublin deserves better and that Dublin is capable of doing better."

Dr Martin called upon people to bear in mind the victims of violence in war zones, in homes or in the streets.

"We pray for social peace within our society, peace between individuals and peoples — the ability to live together and to build relationships of justice and solidarity," he said.

"Social peace is that gift of being able to build peace with respect for the many differences which we find in Ireland today, always respectful of the innate dignity of each and every human being and always wishing that the other — no matter who he or she is — does well.

"Social peace requires that crass inequalities be eliminated and that new forms of solidarity be constructed."