Armed conflict `no alternative'

Falling back into armed conflict was "no alternative at all" to peaceful negotiations on the North, the Taoiseach told the Dail…

Falling back into armed conflict was "no alternative at all" to peaceful negotiations on the North, the Taoiseach told the Dail. He was responding to questions on the North by the Democratic Left leader, Mr Proinsias De Rossa, who raised comments by Mr Francie Molloy of Sinn Fein at the weekend about the fate of the Stormont talks. Mr Molloy reportedly said that if the negotiations did not proceed the way the IRA wanted they would return to "what they know best".

Mr Ahern noted that Mr Molloy subsequently clarified his comments on Monday and stressed that Sinn Fein was involved in the peace process.

"I am glad of that clarification because falling back into armed conflict is no alternative at all, and one that I would totally reject," the Taoiseach said. He confirmed that the Forum for Peace and Reconciliation will reconvene on December 5th.