Army unit destroys outdated chemicals found in UCHG lab

A HOSPITAL laboratory was evacuated and a quantity of outdated chemicals destroyed by the Army’s explosives ordnance disposal…

A HOSPITAL laboratory was evacuated and a quantity of outdated chemicals destroyed by the Army’s explosives ordnance disposal unit in Galway yesterday.

The controlled incineration was carried out by the bomb disposal unit at University College Hospital Galway (UCHG), following notification by the Garda.

A Defence Forces spokesman said the hospital had contacted the Garda earlier in the week with concerns about the chemicals, which were identified during refurbishment of a laboratory.

The material involved about 600g (21oz) of nitrocellulose, which had not been touched for some years, according to the Health Service Executive (HSE) West. Hospital staff believed that the chemical, which was identified on Wednesday, could be explosive.


It said that the chemical in question is no longer required for “modern laboratory services”.

“The chemical was immediately placed in a secure location,” HSE West said in a statement.

“To avoid all possible risk the hospital made contact with the gardaí and the Army for advice and assistance in dealing with the situation, and the chemical has now been disposed of safely.”

HSE West said the Health and Safety Authority had been informed, and the hospital expressed gratitude to the Garda and Army for the “prompt response”.