Arson attack wrecks NI hospital renal unit

A new kidney unit being constructed at a Northern Ireland hospital has been wrecked in an arson attack, it was revealed today…

A new kidney unit being constructed at a Northern Ireland hospital has been wrecked in an arson attack, it was revealed today.

The renal unit at the Altnagelvin Hospital in Derry was attacked late last night, said police.

It appears that some young boys have deliberately set fire to the unit which was under construction
Altnagelvin chief executive Elaine Way

The fire was started maliciously after a door was kicked in and windows smashed, said a spokesman. A group of youths had been seen in the area at the time and are suspected of having started the blaze which destroyed the interior of the building and burned through the roof.

The unit, which was being fitted out, had been due to open later in the year to save local patients needing kidney dialysis trekking across the country to Omagh, Co Tyrone for treatment.


Altnagelvin chief executive, Elaine Way, said there was immense disappointment and anger among the hospital staff.

She said the unit was still being fitted out and was due to have opened in the autumn, but that would now have to be delayed by several months.

Ms Way added: "It appears that some young boys have deliberately set fire to the unit which was under construction.

"It's really very hard to accept and there's a lot of disappointment and anger around this site this morning. "This was a much needed service for the people of Derry."

Police said later an initial estimate put the cost of the damage at £250,000.

A spokesman said: "When the Fire Brigade arrived there were a number of youths in the area and they would be our prime suspects. We would appeal for anyone with any information to contact us."

Condemning those responsible for the arson he added: "This has been devastating for the hospital. "This unit was being constructed for the relief of suffering of kidney patients in this part of Northern Ireland and anybody convicted of this crime can expect to receive a considerable custodial sentence."