Audit of energy use in all State offices urged by Green Party TD

The Government has been called on to undertake a comprehensive energy use audit as new figures show that €26 million was spent…

The Government has been called on to undertake a comprehensive energy use audit as new figures show that €26 million was spent last year on the supply of heat, light and fuel to State offices and vehicles.

Despite a commitment from the Government to explore alternative and renewable energy sources, no audit of energy use has been undertaken by any Government department, it has emerged.

Figures released to Green Party TD Ciarán Cuffe show that the department spending most on energy and fuel in 2005 was Defence, at €17.6 million.

Of this figure, €315,350 was spent on providing heat and electricity in the department head office in Dublin while €7,424,546 was spent on providing heat and light to the Defence Forces around the country.


In addition €2,180,000 was spent on fuel for aircraft, €2,880,000 on fuel for Army vehicles and €3,840,000 on fuel for the Naval Service.

Minister for Defence Willie O'Dea told Mr Cuffe in a reply to a written Dáil question that an energy efficiency working group was established in 2003 to examine fuel economy measures throughout the Defence Forces. He said a number of initiatives to improve energy efficiency have since been implemented.

The second-biggest spending department on energy was Agriculture, which has offices all over the country, at €3.5 million. The Minister for Agriculture said she is examining the question of renewable fuels and is converting its Wexford headquarters to a woodchip heating system, which "will be installed very shortly".

The next high energy-spending department was Social and Family Affairs, which forked out €1.9 million on electricity and gas.

Mr Cuffe said all Government offices should be looking at renewable energy sources, including solar panels and wood pellet burners. "The best way for us to start on this road is with Government buildings. The Government needs to push the boat out and show example."

The replies to Mr Cuffe on energy use show the main electricity supplier to Government departments in 2005 was the ESB but Energia also has Government contracts. Some Ministers said they were now tendering for electricity and have signed new electricity contracts with Energia.

Bord Gáis Éireann supplied gas in most cases while the main supplier of oil across all departments was the Texaco Oil Company.

No Government department has carried out a fuel energy audit but some Ministers appeared to have been making an effort. Minister for Transport Martin Cullen said officials have been in contact with Sustainable Energy Ireland and the Office of Public Works with a view to identifying the scope for energy savings.