Bambino blunder: Silvio blows a raspberry kiss

ITALY: It all started with a pre-election letter by Italy's prime minister to more than 600,000 newborn babies.

ITALY: It all started with a pre-election letter by Italy's prime minister to more than 600,000 newborn babies.

"Best wishes for your arrival, do you know that the budget has put aside €1,000 for you? Big Kiss. Silvio Berlusconi," read the letter telling the parents of babies born in 2005 how to receive a bonus from the state.

Trouble is, the letter was sent in January to all families with a newborn, including immigrants, even though the cash bonus was meant only for Italian babies.

The economy ministry is now asking all those who claimed the money but were not entitled to it - at least 3,000 immigrant families according to one estimate - to pay it back.


Yesterday it put out a statement with the bank details for the reimbursement.

The baby bonus, dismissed by the opposition as government propaganda ahead of the April 9-10th election, was designed to encourage Italians to have more children.

Italy has one of the lowest birth rates in the world. - (Reuters)