Bar staff experiencing benefits of smoking ban

A survey has found that people working in public houses across the country believe the smoking ban has yielded huge benefits …

A survey has found that people working in public houses across the country believe the smoking ban has yielded huge benefits for their health.

Mandate, the union which represents the majority of bar workers, said research, which was carried out in a TNS mrbi poll among bar workers in the greater Dublin area, found that 87% believed the law had already had a positive impact on their health.

Mr Douglas said it was not surprising that bar workers were supporting the new law as they had been the main group most at risk of inhaling second-hand smoke.

"One year later, this research clearly shows that bar workers are enjoying
working in healthy, clean and smoke-free environments, free from the dangers posed by other people's smoke," he said.


The survey showed that 82% were now finding it easier to breathe at work and 68% said they coughed less.

Around 67% of bar workers who smoke themselves still felt the ban had had a positive impact on their health.

More 70% of those quizzed felt the social atmosphere in the pubs had improved or stayed the same since the legislation came in last year and said their "regular" customers were still coming in.

Mandate said that bar owners and managers have played a strong part in
ensuring that staff are well briefed on the law.

He said that nine out of 10 bar workers were aware of the practical steps they should take if someone is smoking on the premises.