Barman held hostage as gang takes money

A barman was held hostage early this morning by a gang which made off with takings from a pub in Co Kildare.

A barman was held hostage early this morning by a gang which made off with takings from a pub in Co Kildare.

Four men wearing balaclavas approached the 55-year-old as he was closing the the High Cross Inn in Moone after 2 a.m.

One of the raiders had a shotgun while another was brandishing an iron bar. They forced the barman back into the premises and held him hostage while they forced open a safe.

It is believed they used sledge hammers and an angle grinder to get to the money. A Garda spokesman said the get-away car used by the raiders was found burnt out a shot distance away.


Mr Tommy Walsh, the manager of the pub, said he was relieved that no one had been hurt during the robbery. "Everyone is OK, thankfully," he said. He added that the bar was open again but that that the restaurant would be closed until tomorrow.