Barroso moves to end flag-gate row

European Commission president José Manuel Barroso has written to MEPs in a bid to end controversy over remarks by energy commissioner…

European Commission president José Manuel Barroso has written to MEPs in a bid to end controversy over remarks by energy commissioner Günther Oettinger to the effect that the flags of member states with excessive deficits should be flown at half mast.

In his letter circulated to about 150 members of the European Parliament – among them Irish MEPs Nessa Childers
and Mairead McGuinness - Mr Barroso said he had been reassured Mr Oettinger did not personally hold such views.

Mr Barroso said he took the members’ concerns “very seriously” and independently of their representations to him. He said he “had a conversation” with Mr Oettinger immediately after the publication of the comments on lowering the flags of heavily indebted member states.

“Commissioner Oettinger has explained to me that in the interview he had referred to certain ideas, but without personally adhering to those ideas. He reassured me he profoundly regrets the different impression that the interview has created and consequently the misunderstandings thus produced”, said Mr Barroso.


Mr Barroso added Mr Oettinger "assured me that he is going to directly address the same reassurances to you and
your colleagues in writing once and for all".

However a number of MEPs have said they were not satisfied by the letter and have called for Mr Oettinger to address the issue personally and publicly.

"I would welcome the opportunity to get clarification from Commissioner Oettinger directly, as the newspaper article quoting Oettinger came close to causing a diplomatic incident earlier this month. Commissioner Barroso’s letter does not resolve the situation," said Nessa Childers.

While Mairead McGuinness welcomed the swift response of Mr Barroso, she said “someone in a very senior position of responsibility such as an EU commissioner should know the likely impact of such loose talk, particularly at such a delicate time for the EU”.

Mr Oettinger, who put forward the suggestion of lowering the flags of of "deficit sinners" in an interview with the mass circulation paper Bild, has insisted he was merely referring to a notion he heard of in the office of a German tabloid.

Irish and Portuguese MEPs, in particular, have derided the comments.