BBC iPlayer set to go global

Audiences around the world will soon be able to watch their favourite BBC programmes online as the corporation plans to launch…

Audiences around the world will soon be able to watch their favourite BBC programmes online as the corporation plans to launch its iPlayer globally.

The iPlayer showcases programmes such as Doctor Who, Top Gear and Little Britain on demand as the company begins to roll out its catch-up TV platform on a subscription basis.

The corporation has yet to decide on a subscription fee but it is expected to be in the region of €7 per month to view the content on an iPad.

It will be launched in Western Europe on a trial basis first with the global roll out expected to follow later in the year. The BBC also hopes to make it available on devices other than the iPad at a later date.


The iPlayer was first launched in December 2007 and is currently only available to viewers in the United Kingdom.