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1. Something For the Weekend, Pauline McLynn (Headline)

2. The Brethren, by John Grisham (Century)

3. Monster, by Jonathan Kellerman (Little Brown)

4. Fortune's Rock, by Anita Shreeve (Little Brown)


5. Kate Hannigan's Girl, by Catherine Cookson (Bantam Press)

Hardback Non-fiction

1. The Bodyguard's Story, by Trevor Rees-Jones (Little Brown)

2. 'Tis: A Memoir, by Frank McCourt (Flamingo)

3. The Making of the Celtic Tiger, by Ray MacSharry & Padraic White (Mercier)

4. The Consolations of Philosophy, by Alain de Botton (Hamish Hamilton)

5. In Code, by Sarah Flannery (Profile)

Paperback Fiction

1. Score, by Jilly Cooper (Corgi)

2. Man and Boy, by Tony Parsons (Harper Collins)

3. Never Too Late, by Cathy Kelly (Poolbeg)

4. Never Look Back, by Lesley Pearse (Penguin)

5. Gideon, by Russell Andrews (Warner)

Paperback Non-fiction

1. Law & Finance in Retirement, by John Costello (Blackhall)

2. Bandit Country, by Toby Harnden (Hodder & Stoughton)

3. Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking, by Allen Carr (Penguin)

4. Mountjoy: Story of a Prison, by Tim Carey (Collins Press)

5. Those Are Real Bullets Aren't They, by P. Pringle & P. Jacobson (Fourth Estate)