Bishop expresses sadness at suffering of children

ARCHBISHOP of Tuam Dr Michael Neary has expressed “great sadness” at the suffering of the Co Roscommon children who experienced…

ARCHBISHOP of Tuam Dr Michael Neary has expressed “great sadness” at the suffering of the Co Roscommon children who experienced years of abuse.

However, the priest who serves the parish where the abuse took place has said that he cannot comment publicly because the court directed that the identity of the children should be protected.

In a statement, Dr Neary said: “I have learnt with great sadness of the sufferings of these innocent people. I wish them every blessing, pray for healing in the future and hope that with the support of every possible community structure, situations of this nature will never occur again.”

In a statement, the board of management of the school attended by the children said it was “absolutely shocked” at the revelations which had emerged during this week’s court case “and our thoughts are with the children at this difficult and traumatic time”.


“We are satisfied that all proper procedures were followed and reports were made to the relevant authorities when necessary.”