Black at Green on Red

Expect the unexpected tonight at the Green on Red Gallery when Black Market, an informal affiliation of leading performance artists…

Expect the unexpected tonight at the Green on Red Gallery when Black Market, an informal affiliation of leading performance artists from seven European countries, stage one of their rare encounters. Originally formed in 1986, when they meet they do so in the live performance space itself, without any prior discussion, planning or co-ordination. They describe it as "a communication" rather than an improvisation.

Both Alistair MacLennan and Nigel Rolfe, long stalwarts of performance art in Ireland, are in the group, and tonight they are joined by a younger guest artist from Ireland, Maurice O'Connell. The most notable performance artist to have emerged in Ireland in the last decade, he has garnered considerable critical acclaim with a series of ambitious projects, usually hinging on direct engagement with the audience.

Among the other participants are Jurgen Fritz, Norbert Klassen and Jacques van Poppel. Maybe the event, backed up by a week of meetings and lectures, will give Irish performance art a shot in the arm. A performance by Black Market International and Guests takes place tonight at the Green on Red Gallery, 26-28 Lombard Street East.

Aidan Dunne

Aidan Dunne

Aidan Dunne is visual arts critic and contributor to The Irish Times