Blair, Bush discuss Middle East 'road map'

The British Prime Minister Tony Blair has met US President Mr George W

The British Prime Minister Tony Blair has met US President Mr George W. Bush in an effort to move the Middle Eastern peace process up the US agenda.

The two leaders met over dinner at the White House to start of two days of talks about the pending elections in Iraq, Iran's nuclear ambitions, trans-Atlantic relations and Mideast peace.

Mr Blair has publicly declared that he is seeking a renewed US commitment to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. The death of Palestinian leader Arafat on Thursday has created what many see as an opportunity for fresh efforts.

The British prime minister's spokesman said Mr Blair is expected to call on Mr Bush to help shore up the Palestinian Authority. Palestinians need international help to improve security, bolster their economy and strengthen civil and political structures, he said.


Britain is concerned that Israel's proposed withdrawal from Gaza will create a destabilising power vacuum if the Palestinians are not ready to assume control.

Mr Blair is Mr Bush's closest overseas ally and sent troops for the US-led war in Iraq in the face of widespread opposition in European capitals and at home.

Their friendship is unpopular among lawmakers in the governing Labour Party and a vast section of the British public. Many believe the prime minister doggedly follows Mr Bush's lead without exerting any real influence.