Blair says Euro 2004 hooligans shame Britain

The British Prime Minister Tony Blair today condemned the hooligans behind violence in Portugal saying they "bring shame on our…

The British Prime Minister Tony Blair today condemned the hooligans behind violence in Portugal saying they "bring shame on our country and on the vast majority of England football fans who just want to enjoy the game".

The Prime Minister hit out in the Commons after tournament organiser Uefa warned it may take action against England if the disturbances spread to matches.

the vast majority of England football fans...just want to enjoy the game
British Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair

Uefa said the trouble on the Algarve was regarded as unrelated to the tournament but said that position would change if the violence spread.

A spokesman said: "It is not being viewed as football hooliganism by Uefa. However, if it changes - and we hope it doesn't - and there is trouble around a stadium or around an England match that position could change and we would have to review it."


Mr David Swift, the senior British officer advising the Portuguese during Euro 2004, said there was no connection between the "yobs" involved in the violence on the Algarve and the football tournament.

He told reporters at a briefing in Lisbon: "What we have is English yobs getting drunk and disgracing the country.

But he stressed: "The connection with the game is non-existent." He was speaking after 33 English fans were arrested during a second night of violence in the resort of Albufeira.

Twelve other English fans were appearing in court in the town today charged after violence erupted on Monday night.