Blair, SDLP in NI justice system talks

The reform of the Criminal Justice System in Northern Ireland dominated yesterday's Downing Street talks between the British …

The reform of the Criminal Justice System in Northern Ireland dominated yesterday's Downing Street talks between the British Prime Minister, Mr Blair, and an SDLP delegation led by party leader Mr Mark Durkan.

At the same time the SDLP members pressed Mr Blair on plans to implement undertakings made jointly by the British and Irish governments during last July's Weston Park summit for the appointment of an international judge to determine the form of inquiry to be held into the murder of Mr Pat Finucane as well as five other controversial killings. SDLP Assembly Member Mr Alex Attwood said it was "time to progress" the proposed inquiries and to determine the terms of reference and resources to be made available.

Mr Durkan described the talks with Mr Blair as "frank and useful". Speaking outside Number 10, he said: "The issue of justice is and always has been a touchstone issue for all the people of Northern Ireland. Just as the SDLP insisted upon a new beginning to policing, this party will also work toward a new beginning for Criminal Justice. Public confidence in the Criminal Justice system forms the basis of any society, and the SDLP will guide the legislation through the Commons with diligence and clarity."