Blaming environmentalists for Salthill pollution `a disgrace'

Galway Bay pollution would not be solved by "finger-pointing and cheap political point-scoring", according to the Green Party…

Galway Bay pollution would not be solved by "finger-pointing and cheap political point-scoring", according to the Green Party TD, Mr Trevor Sargent.

Responding to claims earlier this week by the Fine Gael TD, Mr Padraic McCormack, that opponents of the Mutton Island sewage treatment plant had contributed to the current problem, Mr Sargent said it was a disgrace to blame environmentalists for Salthill pollution.

Late last week Galway Corporation confirmed that low levels of salmonella had been detected in sea water off Blackrock, Salthill, but said there was no risk to bathers. The levels were in breach of EU water-quality standards.

Preliminary work has already begun on the plant at Mutton Island, following a recent Supreme Court decision, but it will be four years before it is operating.


Mr McCormack said objectors to the scheme should now take full blame for the "irreparable damage" caused to the image of Salthill and Galway.

Mr Sargent said Mr McCormack's statement was ill-informed and opportunistic. Environmentalists concerned about the location of a treatment plant had been acting with vigilance and in a spirit of civic-mindedness.

"Equally, Mr McCormack might wish to chastise the Supreme Court for considering that Galway Corporation did not follow proper procedures in relation to its responsibility for the sewage treatment deficit which affects the city," Mr Sargent said.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times