Blarney to make more of its tourist potential

Ask most visitors to Ireland to name some of its main tourist attractions and the chances are that Blarney, Co Cork, with its…

Ask most visitors to Ireland to name some of its main tourist attractions and the chances are that Blarney, Co Cork, with its famous castle, will be mentioned.

But Blarney, traditionally, has been a quick stop venue for tourists - usually with just enough time for them to visit the castle, kiss the stone and buy a sweater in the woollen mills. The Blarney Development Group aims to change all that.

When a group of Blarney residents and business people met the then county manager, Mr Noel Dillon, in 1994 they wanted his help to do something about problems in the village.

First, it was one of the top five tourist destinations in the Republic, but its infrastructure was designed only for a small, rural community. Blarney often became hopelessly congested.


It was agreed to commission the National Building Agency to prepare a plan for the village. Widespread consultation began, resulting in the Blarney Plan, which received the Irish Planning Institute's National Achievement Award. All relevant interests came together as the Blarney Development Group. On Friday the group will hold a public meeting to unveil the Blarney Plan.

Achievements so far will be discussed. They include the Blarney relief road and the Martin Valley riverside walk, which are well advanced. Work will begin soon on a £500,000 sculpture and amenity park at nearby Waterloo, with the help of Cork County Council.