
If anything has plagued the mercurial Buddy Guy down through the years, it has been his tendency to play to the gallery

If anything has plagued the mercurial Buddy Guy down through the years, it has been his tendency to play to the gallery. On a good night, he's an exciting blues guitarist. On a bad night, he's simply irritating. In his younger days, Guy was the master of guitar theatrics. These days, he is still a terrific stylist, but his wilful playfulness occasionally outshines both his consistency and his credibility. A major influence on Eric Clapton and Jimi Hendrix, 63year old Buddy Guy is now a bona fide blues star following collaborations that ironically lessened his own contributions. The question to be asked in relation to his four-night residency at Dublin's HQ (from Wednesday) is how mercurial will this Guy be?

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture