Bray principal fights sacking in High Court

The principal of a Co Wicklow school will go to the High Court today to oppose her dismissal

The principal of a Co Wicklow school will go to the High Court today to oppose her dismissal. Ms Patricia O'Malley (53) was sacked last month from Aravon School in Bray, the oldest private preparatory school in the State. The school uses buildings leased from Hogart Ltd, a company in which the singer Chris de Burgh is understood to have an interest.

Ms O'Malley and her husband, Terence (55), have taught at the school, which has 180 day pupils and boarders, for 27 years.

Mr O'Malley, a former principal of the school, was dismissed from his post as a science teacher last month. The couple currently live in the school with their two children, aged 14 and 23.

The school is run by an eight-member board of governors, two of whom have resigned following the dismissals.


In letters from the school's board of governors last month, the couple were told that their employment was being terminated. They were asked to vacate their living quarters in the school by the end of July, but have remained.

Ms O'Malley will today seek an injunction for reinstatement to her post as principal.

The Aravon School premises was bought by Hogart Ltd about three years ago. The company leases it back to the school's board of governors at a nominal rate. Mr de Burgh is not a member of the board. He is one of the school's benefactors and is believed to have contributed about £1 million to a three-phase development plan. His children attend the school.

The school is located at Old Conna House, Rathmichael, between Bray and Shankill. Built in 1860, its past pupils include the playwright John Millington Synge, Sir Roger Casement and the Fine Gael TD, Mr Ivan Yates.

Parents were told by letter last month that Mr and Mrs O'Malley were no longer involved in the school. The board of governors held a meeting with parents last month on the issue. The grounds for the dismissals were not discussed at this meeting as today's High Court action was pending, according to one parent.