Brennan announces Dublin Airport Authority board

The Minster for Transport Mr Seamus Brennan today announced the membership of the board designate for the Dublin Airport Authority…

The Minster for Transport Mr Seamus Brennan today announced the membership of the board designate for the Dublin Airport Authority.

Minister Brennan said the Government had approved the drafting of legislation necessary to establish Dublin, Cork, Shannon as independent and autonomous airport authroities following the planned break up of Aer Rianta.

The board will comprise twelve members, including four worker directors.

The members of the board will be:

  • Mr Gary McGann (Chairperson)
  • Sir Michael Hodgkinson
  • Mr Colm Barrington
  • Ms Marie O'Connor
  • Mr Bill Cullen
  • Mr Anthony Spollen
  • Mr Desmond Cummins
  • Ms Mary Davis
  • The trade unions have been invited to nominate members to fill the remaining four positions reserved for worker directors.

Mr Brennan said, "the new authority can build on the solid progress made over the years by the Board of Aer Rianta."

The Minister also said the board designate for Cork airport will be announced shortly. The board for Shannon Airport Authority has already been named.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times