Brennan to meet Independent TDs on pub hours Bill

The Government Chief Whip, Mr Seamus Brennan, is to meet Independent TDs this morning to discuss their support for the Intoxicating…

The Government Chief Whip, Mr Seamus Brennan, is to meet Independent TDs this morning to discuss their support for the Intoxicating Liquor Bill.

The Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform is also due to meet Fianna Fail TDs and senators in an attempt to stem a backbench rebellion over the legislation.

Subject to his return overnight from the Stormont talks, Mr O'Donoghue will assure them that further legislation to be introduced in the autumn will include a provision for a general extension of pub opening hours, a measure excluded from the current Bill.

Mr Brennan yesterday insisted it was the Government's intention to include the Bill in today's Dail business, and expected it to clear all stages by tonight, when the House rises for the summer recess.


However, he said last night that should Mr O'Donoghue be unable to make this morning's scheduled meeting, the measure would not proceed today. If passed by the Dail, the Bill - which abolishes Sunday closing, removes the ban on special exemptions after midnight on Saturdays, and allows for all-night pub opening next New Year's Eve - would go through the Seanad next week.

Today's meeting with the Minister was called after fierce criticism of the proposed legislation at Wednesday's Fianna Fail parliamentary party meeting.

This in turn followed intense pressure from the rural publicans' lobby, annoyed that the demand for 12.30 a.m. closing is not included in the Bill, and also that the lifting of the Saturday night exemption ban will benefit restaurants and nightclubs at publicans' expense.

Mr O'Donoghue is expected to give specific assurances about extended opening and will, if available, repeat these later in the Dail. Fine Gael, Labour and Sinn Fein have all tabled amendments to have the extended opening included in the current Bill, but the Government will oppose these.

Mr Brennan said he had not yet had formal discussions with the Independents who support the Government, one of whom - Mr Jackie Healy-Rae - is a publican. The question of their support for the measure had not been discussed, he added, but he would be meeting them this morning.

Introducing the proposed legislation last week, Mr O'Donoghue said it was being expedited for the benefit of the summer tourist season. But on Wednesday night, Labour accused the Government of effectively shelving the Bill after it was removed from the schedule of Dail business for yesterday.

Frank McNally

Frank McNally

Frank McNally is an Irish Times journalist and chief writer of An Irish Diary