Britain seeks Irish man's extradition

An Irish-born man sentenced by the British courts to 4½ years in prison over his role in a £5 million tax fraud is opposing an…

An Irish-born man sentenced by the British courts to 4½ years in prison over his role in a £5 million tax fraud is opposing an application for his extradition to serve his sentence.

At the High Court yesterday, Mr Justice Michael Peart reserved judgment on a preliminary application by lawyers for construction company director Thomas O’Connor (43), Cloughbeirne, Roscommon, to have the extradition application dismissed on grounds including the State’s refusal to furnish adequate assurances about legal aid.

The State argued there was nothing preventing an order for Mr O’Connor’s extradition being made.

Britain is seeking the surrender of Mr O’Connor to serve a 4½-year sentence for conspiracy to cheat the British revenue.