Bruton accuses Government of euro-scepticism

The new Programme for Government is completely contradictory on the issue of Europe and shows a "sneaking regard for British …

The new Programme for Government is completely contradictory on the issue of Europe and shows a "sneaking regard for British euro-scepticism", according to Fine Gael TD and member of the Convention on Europe, Mr John Bruton.

Mr John Bruton after he was ousted from leadship of the Fine Gael Party in January, 2001.

"On the one hand it acknowledges that Ireland has given a ‘sovereign commitment’ to keep national finances in line with the EU Stability and Growth Pact. On the other hand, it says that ‘fiscal policy’ should remain the ‘preserve of national administrations’," said Mr Bruton.

The former Fine Gael party leader insisted both statements cannot be true. "If fiscal policy must abide by an EU pact, then it is not solely the preserve ‘of national administrations’.

On the one hand it acknowledges that Ireland has given a ‘sovereign commitment’ to keep national finances in line with the EU Stability and Growth Pact. On the other hand, it says that ‘fiscal policy’ should remain the ‘preserve of national administrations
Mr John Bruton

"The FF/PD Programme also criticises what it calls ‘support for a European Superstate’ using misleading and pejorative language borrowed directly from the British tabloids," said Mr Bruton.


He also said that "a Government that is facing two ways on Europe, pretending that the EU is less than it really is... will not be able to give the Irish people the honest lead they deserve on the vital issue of the Nice Treaty".

Calling Fianna Fáil a party of ‘sneaking regarders’, Mr Bruton said that: "It is now obvious from the Programme that they have a sneaking regard for British euro-scepticism replacing their previous sneaking regard for militant Irish republicanism".

Pádraig Collins

Pádraig Collins

Pádraig Collins a contributor to The Irish Times based in Sydney