Bruton meets Bosnians

Members of a Bosnian community project in Dublin told the Fine Gael leader yesterday that the Irish were "quite welcoming" but…

Members of a Bosnian community project in Dublin told the Fine Gael leader yesterday that the Irish were "quite welcoming" but that there were still issues concerning housing and jobs to work out. The 30-minute meeting took place at a community centre in Pearse Street.

Mr John Bruton also discussed education with the members of the project and asked how they felt about the 1995 Dayton Accord, an agreement designed to end the war between Yugoslavia and Bosnia. "The implementation of the Dayton Accord is very slow," said Mr Haris Bigedic, the centre's information officer. "I am an optimist; I have to be. But the cause of the war is still there. The country is divided."