Budget to help disabled - Cowen

The Budget will "improve the lot of those with disabilities", the Minister for Finance has said.

The Budget will "improve the lot of those with disabilities", the Minister for Finance has said.

Mr Cowen told RTÉ: "We've given a commitment on disabilities. I will come forward in the Budget with a full picture on the multi-annual efforts we're going to make to improve the lot of those with disabilities in addition to the €2.5 billion we're presently spending in that whole general disabilities area".

Mr Cowen said he had also discussed the issue of medical cards with Ms Harney.

"The Minister for Health, the Tánaiste has mentioned since taking office that that's a priority she'd like to deal with and I'm sure that's a matter she'll comment upon once the estimates are issued. So there are a number of priorities that we have discussed."


Meanwhile, in its pre-Budget submission, Sinn Féin yesterday called on the Government to "notch up" corporate taxation and tax on high earners to fund increases in child benefit payments and an extension in medical card rights to all under-18s.