Cabinet is likely to debate case of pregnant 13-year-old rape victim

The case of the 13-year-old pregnant rape victim is expected to be discussed at Cabinet today and attempts will be made by the…

The case of the 13-year-old pregnant rape victim is expected to be discussed at Cabinet today and attempts will be made by the Opposition to raise the matter in the Dail.

While Government sources said the Attorney General, Mr David Byrne, would not become involved, it is understood the Minister for Health, Mr Cowen, will give an assessment of the situation to Cabinet. Though his Department refused to comment, it is expected in Government circles that the Eastern Health Board, which has the girl in its care, will seek clarification from the High Court of the route it should take in relation to a termination of the pregnancy. The girl's parents say they want their daughter to have an abortion.

A Government spokesman last night said Mr Cowen would bring proposals to Government in two weeks on the Green Paper on abortion and he will outline a date for the start of consultations with interested parties. The paper will be published in the spring but the en- tire process could continue for more than a year before concrete proposals for dealing with abortion emerge.

The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, said before the June election he inten ded to handle the abortion issue by way of a Green Paper which would investigate the legal and constitutional implications of the Supreme Court ruling on the X case.


Upon completion, the Green Paper will be referred to the Oireachtas All-Party Constitutional Review Group. The Progressive Democrats support this course of action. The spokesman said the Green Paper was not a "response" to the latest case but had been in preparation since June.

Senior Government sources insisted that the case of the girl, who is 12 weeks pregnant, is not the same as the 1992 X case when the Supreme Court ruled that a 14- year-old pregnant and suicidal girl, also a victim of rape, was entitled to an abortion.

While the issue of the right to travel was cleared by way of referendum, the potential still exists for another round of legal wrangling and a reawakening of the abortion debate, one source said.

The EHB said it was "inappropriate" to comment. State would be executing baby, SPUC claims: page 5