Car bomb kills 2 Iraqi soldiers in Baghdad

A car bomb that detonated near an Iraqi troop convoy today killed two soldiers and wounding 30, police said.

A car bomb that detonated near an Iraqi troop convoy today killed two soldiers and wounding 30, police said.

The attack happened shortly after midday as the convoy was leaving a main Green Zone exit near the Mansour district of western Baghdad.

Police said the car blew up as a commando unit was passing, spraying shrapnel across a wide area.

US and Iraqi forces and officials have frequently been attacked at or near entrances to the Green Zone, a huge walled and tightly protected compound on the west back of the Tigris river in the centre of the city.


In the three weeks since Iraq's landmark elections, at least 100 members of Iraq's security forces have been killed in suicide bombings and other attacks, while scores have been wounded.

Insurgents have attacked Iraqi police and guards in an effort to set back US attempts to create a viable local security force, and because the Iraqi units are less well defended and less well armed than US soldiers.