Carr to be released from prison on Friday

The former fiancée of Soham killer Ian Huntley will be released from jail this Friday.

The former fiancée of Soham killer Ian Huntley will be released from jail this Friday.

Maxine Carr (27) will get out two days earlier than her official release date and will be taken to a secret location, sources said.

She was sentenced to three-and-a-half years at the Old Bailey last December after she gave Huntley, who murdered two Cambridgeshire schoolgirls, a false alibi.

He was given two life sentences for murdering 10-year-olds Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman at the house he shared with Carr.


Carr was due for automatic release on licence at the halfway point of her sentence next Sunday.

But under prison rules, anyone due for release over a weekend who is serving less than four years is set free on the preceding Friday.

Carr, at Foston Hall prison near Derby, will be smuggled out of jail, and her ultimate destination is unknown, although she wants to live as close as possible to her family in Lincolnshire.

In a separate case Carr today pleaded guilty to 20 deception charges when she appeared at Nottingham Crown Court. The former teaching assistant admitted 15 counts of benefit fraud and five counts of lying about her qualifications in job applications. She was given a three-year community rehabilitation order.