Changes at the Gate

Hilton Edwards and Michael Mac Liammoir will open their 1940 season at the Gaiety Theatre following Jimmy O'Dea's engagement …

Hilton Edwards and Michael Mac Liammoir will open their 1940 season at the Gaiety Theatre following Jimmy O'Dea's engagement there, and after a short season at the Gaiety the company will return to its old home at the Gate.

The list of plays for the new season is already settled, but Mr Edwards is holding up its publication in the hope of getting the rights to some plays which, I am told, would make this season's programme even more interesting than usual.

Despite the war, all of last year's company, with only one exception, are back again. The business personnel of the organisation, however, has been considerably changed. Mr Raymond Percy, business manager, has left to join the Services and has been replaced by Mr Desmond Murphy, business manager of several Dublin cinemas. Miss Toska Bissing, publicity manager, has gone to America to "contact" possibilities for an American tour when the war ends. Her place has been taken by Miss Lucy Glazebrook, who comes after several years working in the New York Theatre.

The company has also acquired the services of Mr Patrick Perrott as associate dress designer. Mr Perrott has for many years worked with the leading dress designers in Paris, and it is only the war which makes it possible for him to be with us in Dublin. His original gowns were seen last season in the Gate's modern dress "Hamlet" and in Mr Mac Liammoir's own play, "Where Stars Walk".


The Irish Times, August 15th, 1940.