Changing our ways

Landfill to be used as last resort for residues remaining after waste prevention, minimisation, reuse and recycling.

Landfill to be used as last resort for residues remaining after waste prevention, minimisation, reuse and recycling.

Generators of waste to pay charges reflecting quantity produced.

Construction industry to introduce, within two years, a voluntary system for segregation and recovery of stone and concrete from construction and demolition activity.

50 per cent of household waste to be diverted away from landfill over a 15-year period.


35 per cent of municipal waste must be recycled within 15 years.

80 per cent reduction of landfill gases, notably methane, to be achieved on landfill sites.

Landfill alternatives, including incineration, must be considered in the context of an integrated waste management measures.

Partnerships with private sector to be pursued by local authorities, not just on waste collection.

Communities to be given a participative role/consulted on landfill proposals.