Chemicals danger warning

MEPs this month backed a call from Danish MEP Kirsten Jensen (Dk, PES) for a thorough investigation into potentially dangerous…

MEPs this month backed a call from Danish MEP Kirsten Jensen (Dk, PES) for a thorough investigation into potentially dangerous chemicals. The substances, such as dioxins, are used in everyday life and can be found in plastics, toys, food wrappers, paints and pesticides. But many of the chemicals have never been tested for long-term effects on humans, animals and the environment.

Studies in the US and Scandinavia have revealed a worrying drop in sperm counts in men and an increase in breast cancer amongst women with fears that the increasing number of chemicals which can bring about changes in the reproduction and immune system is the reason behind this trend.

MEPs want to see an independent analysis and classification of some 100,000 chemicals with a review of labelling regulations so that each substance is placed in a particular category according to the degree of risk. Parliament also wants to see a drastic cut-back in the use of pesticides and the use of potentially dangerous chemicals.

MEPs approved another proposal designed to restrict the use of potentially dangerous substances such as solvents used in paint and the clothing industry which can aggravate asthma and cause eye problems. Another proposal designed to reduce health risks at work by restricting the production of cancer-causing wood dust from oak and beechwood was also approved.